Bill Nelson

OpenDJ logo

Unlocking the Mystery behind the OpenDJ User Database

One question that arises time and time again pertains to the manner in which OpenDJ stores it entry data and how this differs from the Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition..

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How Well Do Your Vendors Really Know You?

How well do our vendors know us? I mean, how well do they really know us? And how much do they care?

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active directory button with digital image of hand

The Most Complete History of Directory Services You Will Ever Find

I started working with Directory Servers back in 1997 when Netscape was but a fledging company. Over the past 15 years a lot has changed. Companies have come and gone and code has..

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trust letters

Trust in Me

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vintage pagers

The Road Back to Eden

We oftentimes view new technologies as providing us with the path back to Eden – that which returns us to leisure and care free living. Yet with each new technological..

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family at the beach

Facebook Photo Hack Bypasses Privacy Settings

Do you use Facebook? Since over 700 million people do, the odds are pretty high that you fall in this category. Are you concerned with your privacy and want control over who sees..

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man and woman profile with question marks

Disjointed Identity

Having my identity located in so many different databases is like wearing multiple watches

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man behind expenses graph with arrow pointing up

The Biggest Expense to Your Company

While reading the book, I’m Feeling Lucky: The Confessions of Google Employee Number 59, I stumbled on a question that Sergey Brin asked of his marketing folks. It really got me..

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keyboard made of s'mores candy and cookies

Trust – The Missing Ingredient

I was having a conversation with friends the other day and while it may sound nerdy as hell, the topic was focused on identity. I swear (trust me) that no drinks were involved but..

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ziggy secret identity cartoon

Secret Identities

Methinks that Ziggy secretly works for Facebook.

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